Weeds, weeds, and more weeds. The lion's share of my work time this past week has been dedicated to reclaiming our newest garden beds from the forest. It's been slow going, but I don't mind. It's one of my favorite gardening chores.
We're seeing lots of squash and cucumber blossoms, and even harvested our very first zucchini for the year. It was delicious! 😉 I can't wait to share some with you!
I also took the time to build a new chalkboard sign to use at market. Fancy-shmancy, and way sturdier than last year's. I think we'll be hanging into this one for a while.
So fancy! Much shmancy!
The biggest of our cucumbers so far. I am so ready for homegrown cukes! I have THE best recipe for tzatziki to share when it's time!
A tiiiny patty pan squash.
A yellow patty pan. I love how baby squash look with the flower still attached!
One of our new blocks of garden beds. It's filling in quickly! Give it another month or so, and there will hardly be any dirt visible!
Half of Block B. This set of beds is in its second year. In this frame, you can see (from left to right) two beds of lettuce, full-size tomatoes, two more beds of lettuce covered with row cover, and cherry tomatoes on the far right.
A closer look at our full-size (determinate) tomatoes.
Ground cherries are blooming! Did you have a chance to try these last season? They are so wonderful! They taste like a delightful blend of pina colada and tropical fruits.
A dried out chive flower. All the small black specks you see peeking out are seeds. We'll be harvesting these, and using them to grow our chive patch in our perennial herb bed.
This week in your shares, you'll be receiving: Salad mix, Scarlet Kale, strawberries, and radishes!
Our recipe for the week is one that was requested: Strawberry vinaigrette!
For this recipe, I recommend either a blender, or a magic bullet. I'll be honest, I used to laugh at people who owned magic bullets. I thought they were a waste of money and space. And then I got one for Christmas, and I surprised myself by loving it. It's great for single-serve smoothies, or small-batch salad dressings like this one.
For this recipe, you'll need:
- A handful of strawberries, rinsed, and stems removed
- 8 Tbsp good quality olive oil
- 3 Tbsp Red wine vinegar
- 1 tsp sugar or honey
- Salt and pepper to the taste.
Put all your ingredients in a blender, and puree until smooth and emulsified. Adjust seasonings as needed. This recipe was big enough to generously dress two large salads.
Barry made an absolutely wonderful salad for us earlier this week, featuring this dressing. I'm so sorry that I don't have pictures! It looked so scrumptious, that I was halfway through my salad before I realized that I should have grabbed a photo! I can at least tell you what was on it, though!
Our salad greens were tossed with thinly sliced red onions, toasted walnuts, and strawberry vinaigrette. They were then topped with grilled chicken and goat cheese. So simple. So good! I'm being completely honest when I say that it is the best salad that Barry has ever made for me!
I hope you enjoy your shares this week! And if you find or use a delicious recipe, don't be shy! Share away, either in the comments here, or in our group chat. Happy weekend, y'all!
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